This is to let you know of a couple of incidents around our neighborhood recently.

  1. A young caucasian male was seen riding around the neighborhood on Sunday March 12 in a small black bike. He was wearing a white tee shirt and black pants. His behavior was suspicious in that he was wandering into the front porches of two residents. One resident has also reported that this same individual also came a week before wearing a ski mask. Please be aware. The police has been notified.
  2. There has been more incidents of mailboxes being left open. This indicates someone may have been trying to take some mail. The police has been alerted. Be advised to pick up your mail as soon as possible. We realize the mail arrives late in our neighborhood. If you need to replace your mailbox with a locking option, you can contact the property management via the Ask Me page on this website. Please note that the replacement mailbox will be at your cost.

Let’s increase our neighborhood awareness of things going around. If you see something, say something. You can report the incidents to the authorities. You can also communicate to the website via the Ask Me page any information so we can share with the fellow residents. Also, we can invite the public safety officers of La Mirada to come talk to us.


  1. Roxie Lepich

    This is great info. Can I suggest we set up a private Facebook page for La Mirada Villages, more people would read that then to know to go to this website.

    • HoaAdmin

      Thanks again for bringing this up in the meeting. I already feel we can do more with the FB group. Website is restrictive in a way that anyone can look in.

  2. Kevin

    He is on drugs and staring down young women in our neighborhood. It would be good to have a site we can collect and provide evidence. I have pictures and videos. Can we share them on this site? Or a neighborhood watch site?

    • HoaAdmin

      Hi Kevin. Just need to verify your residency. Actually one of the residents just developed a FB group site for the Villages. Just need to verify your address. Up to you if you can also provide a phone contact.


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